How to Prevent System Shutdown if an Electron App is Running: A Comprehensive Guide
Image by Bert -

How to Prevent System Shutdown if an Electron App is Running: A Comprehensive Guide

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Are you tired of your Electron app shutting down unexpectedly when the system restarts or shuts down? Do you want to ensure that your app continues to run smoothly even when the system is being updated or restarted? If so, you’re in the right place! In this article, we’ll show you how to prevent system shutdown if an Electron app is running, so you can rest assured that your app will keep running uninterrupted.

Why Do You Need to Prevent System Shutdown?

There are several reasons why you might want to prevent system shutdown if an Electron app is running. Here are a few:

  • Data Loss: If your app is in the middle of processing critical data or performing a long-running task, a sudden shutdown could result in data loss or corruption.
  • Unsaved Work: If a user is working on a project within your app and the system shuts down, they may lose all their unsaved work.
  • System Maintenance: If your app is performing system maintenance tasks, such as backups or updates, a shutdown could interrupt these tasks and leave the system in an unstable state.
  • User Experience: A sudden shutdown can be frustrating for users, especially if they’re in the middle of a critical task. By preventing shutdown, you can ensure a seamless user experience.

How to Prevent System Shutdown in Electron

Electron provides several ways to prevent system shutdown when an app is running. Here are a few methods:

Method 1: Using the `powerMonitor` API

The `powerMonitor` API is a built-in Electron module that allows you to monitor and respond to system power events, such as shutdown or restart. Here’s an example of how to use the `powerMonitor` API to prevent system shutdown:

const { app, powerMonitor } = require('electron');

powerMonitor.on('shutdown', (e) => {
  console.log('Shutdown prevented!');

app.on('ready', () => {
  console.log('App is ready!');

In this example, we’re using the `powerMonitor.on(‘shutdown’, …)` event listener to catch the shutdown event and prevent it from occurring by calling `e.preventDefault()`. This will prevent the system from shutting down when the app is running.

Method 2: Using the `shell` Module

The `shell` module is another built-in Electron module that provides a way to execute system commands. Here’s an example of how to use the `shell` module to prevent system shutdown:

const { shell } = require('electron');

shell.executeCommand(' shutdown /a ');

In this example, we’re using the `shell.executeCommand()` method to execute the Windows `shutdown /a` command, which aborts the shutdown sequence. Note that this method only works on Windows.

Method 3: Using a Timer

This method involves setting a timer to run every few seconds to check if the app is still running. If the app is still running, the timer will prevent the system from shutting down. Here’s an example:

const { setTimeout } = require('timers');

let shutdownTimer;

app.on('ready', () => {
  shutdownTimer = setTimeout(() => {
    console.log('App is still running!');
    shutdownTimer = setTimeout(arguments.callee, 10000);
  }, 10000);

In this example, we’re using the `setTimeout()` function to set a timer that runs every 10 seconds (10000 milliseconds). If the app is still running after 10 seconds, the timer will reset itself and prevent the system from shutting down.

Platform-Specific Considerations

When preventing system shutdown, it’s essential to consider platform-specific differences. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

Platform Consideration
Windows Use the `shutdown /a` command to abort the shutdown sequence.
macOS Use the `osascript` command to execute an AppleScript that prevents shutdown.
Linux Use the `systemd-inhibit` command to prevent shutdown or restart.


In this article, we’ve shown you three methods to prevent system shutdown if an Electron app is running. By using the `powerMonitor` API, the `shell` module, or a timer, you can ensure that your app continues to run smoothly even when the system is being updated or restarted. Remember to consider platform-specific differences when implementing these methods. With these techniques, you can provide a seamless user experience and prevent data loss or corruption.


Q: Will preventing system shutdown affect system performance?

A: Preventing system shutdown may affect system performance, especially if your app is resource-intensive. However, the impact is usually minimal, and the benefits of preventing data loss and ensuring user experience outweigh any potential performance drawbacks.

Q: Can I use these methods to prevent system restart?

A: Yes, the methods described in this article can be adapted to prevent system restart as well. Simply replace the shutdown event with the restart event, and adjust the platform-specific commands accordingly.

Q: Are there any security implications to preventing system shutdown?

A: Preventing system shutdown can have security implications, as it may allow an app to remain running even when the system is being updated or patched. However, if implemented correctly, the benefits of preventing system shutdown outweigh any potential security risks. Always follow best practices for securing your app and system.

By following the methods outlined in this article, you can ensure that your Electron app continues to run smoothly even when the system is being updated or restarted. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the answers to your burning questions on how to prevent system shutdown when an Electron app is running!

Can I use a simple flag to prevent system shutdown?

Not quite! While a simple flag might seem like an easy solution, it’s not enough to prevent the system from shutting down. You’ll need to use more advanced techniques, like handling system events or using APIs that interact with the operating system.

How can I catch system shutdown events in my Electron app?

You can use the ‘shutdown’ event in the Electron API to catch system shutdown events. This event is emitted when the system is about to shut down, giving you a chance to cancel the shutdown or perform any necessary cleanup tasks. Simply add a listener to the ‘shutdown’ event and implement your desired behavior.

Can I use a system hook to prevent system shutdown?

Yes, you can! On Windows, you can use the SetConsoleCtrlHandler function to set up a console control handler that will be called when the system is about to shut down. This allows you to cancel the shutdown or perform other actions as needed. On Linux and macOS, you can use signal handlers to achieve similar results.

How do I handle system shutdown on Linux and macOS?

On Linux and macOS, you can use signal handlers to catch system shutdown events. Specifically, you can use the SIGTERM signal to catch shutdown events and perform any necessary cleanup or cancellation of the shutdown. You’ll need to use a library like node-signal-handler to set up the signal handler in your Electron app.

Are there any Electron modules that can help with preventing system shutdown?

Yes, there are! Electron modules like electron-shutdown-handler and electron-power-save can help you prevent system shutdown or handle shutdown events in your Electron app. These modules provide a simple and convenient way to handle shutdown events and perform necessary actions to prevent or cancel the shutdown.