Torch to ONNX and Beyond: Unlocking Dynamic Input Sizes with ONNX Runtime SDK
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Torch to ONNX and Beyond: Unlocking Dynamic Input Sizes with ONNX Runtime SDK

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Are you tired of being stuck in the dark ages of model deployment, struggling to transfer your torch model to ONNX and make it work with dynamic input sizes? Fear not, dear reader, for today we’re going to light the way and guide you through the process of transferring a torch model to ONNX and successfully inferencing it with the C++ ONNX Runtime SDK, even with dynamic input sizes.

What’s the Issue?

When you try to transfer a torch model to ONNX with dynamic input size, things can get a bit hairy. You might encounter errors like “Invalid input shape” or “Runtime error” when trying to infer the model using the C++ ONNX Runtime SDK. This is because the ONNX model doesn’t know how to handle dynamic input sizes by default.

Step 1: Preparing Your Torch Model

Before you can transfer your torch model to ONNX, you need to make sure it’s ready for the journey. Here are a few things to check:

  • Make sure your torch model is in eval() mode. You can do this by calling model.eval() before exporting the model to ONNX.

  • Verify that your model doesn’t contain any PyTorch modules that aren’t supported by the ONNX converter. You can check the ONNX documentation for a list of supported modules.

  • Ensure that your model’s input shape is defined correctly. In this case, we’re dealing with dynamic input sizes, so we’ll need to specify the input shape as a range of values.

Step 2: Exporting the Torch Model to ONNX

Now that your torch model is ready, it’s time to export it to ONNX. You can do this using the torch.onnx module. Here’s an example:

import torch
import torch.onnx

# assume 'model' is your torch model
input_names = ['input']
output_names = ['output']

dynamic_axes = {
    'input': {0: 'batch_size', 1: 'seq_len'},
    'output': {0: 'batch_size', 1: 'seq_len'}

    torch.randn(1, 10),  # dummy input

In this example, we’re exporting the model to an ONNX file called model.onnx. We’re also specifying the input and output names, as well as the dynamic axes for the input and output tensors.

Step 3: Loading the ONNX Model with C++ ONNX Runtime SDK

Now that we have our ONNX model, it’s time to load it using the C++ ONNX Runtime SDK. Here’s an example:


// create an OrtEnv object
OrtEnv* env;
OrtStatus* status = OrtCreateEnv(ORT_LOGLEVEL_INFO, "test", &env);
if (status != nullptr) {
    std::cerr << " OrtCreateEnv failed" << std::endl;
    return 1;

// load the ONNX model
 OrtSessionOptions* session_options;
status = OrtCreateSessionOptions(&session_options);
if (status != nullptr) {
    std::cerr << " OrtCreateSessionOptions failed" << std::endl;
    return 1;

OrtSession* session;
status = OrtCreateSession(env, "model.onnx", session_options, &session);
if (status != nullptr) {
    std::cerr << " OrtCreateSession failed" << std::endl;
    return 1;

In this example, we're loading the ONNX model using the OrtCreateSession function, which takes the environment object, the path to the ONNX file, the session options, and a pointer to the session object as arguments.

Step 4: Creating Input Tensors with Dynamic Shapes

Now that we have our ONNX model loaded, it's time to create input tensors with dynamic shapes. Since we're dealing with dynamic input sizes, we need to specify the shape of the input tensor at runtime. Here's an example:

int64_t shape[] = {1, 10};  // batch size 1, sequence length 10
OrtAllocator* allocator;
status = OrtCreateAllocator(ORT_ALLOCATOR_DEFAULT, &allocator);
if (status != nullptr) {
    std::cerr << " OrtCreateAllocator failed" << std::endl;
    return 1;

OrtValue* input_tensor;
status = OrtCreateTensorWithDataAsOrtValue(allocator, shape, 2, ONNX.TensorProto_DataType_FLOAT, nullptr, 0, &input_tensor);
if (status != nullptr) {
    std::cerr << " OrtCreateTensorWithDataAsOrtValue failed" << std::endl;
    return 1;

In this example, we're creating an input tensor with a shape of [1, 10], which means a batch size of 1 and a sequence length of 10. We're using the OrtCreateTensorWithDataAsOrtValue function to create the tensor, which takes the allocator, shape, data type, and a pointer to the tensor object as arguments.

Step 5: Running Inference with the ONNX Model

Finally, it's time to run inference with the ONNX model. Here's an example:

OrtValue* output_tensor;
status = OrtRun(session, nullptr, input_names, &input_tensor, 1, output_names, 1, &output_tensor);
if (status != nullptr) {
    std::cerr << " OrtRun failed" << std::endl;
    return 1;

// get the output tensor data
float* output_data;
status = OrtGetTensorMutableData(output_tensor, (void**)&output_data);
if (status != nullptr) {
    std::cerr << " OrtGetTensorMutableData failed" << std::endl;
    return 1;

// print the output tensor data
std::cout << "Output tensor data:" << std::endl;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    std::cout << output_data[i] << " ";
std::cout << std::endl;

In this example, we're running inference using the OrtRun function, which takes the session object, input names, input tensors, output names, and a pointer to the output tensor object as arguments. We're then getting the output tensor data using the OrtGetTensorMutableData function and printing it to the console.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

When working with dynamic input sizes, things can get a bit tricky. Here are some common issues you might encounter and how to troubleshoot them:

Error Message Solution
Invalid input shape Check that the input shape is defined correctly in the ONNX model. Make sure the dynamic axes are specified correctly.
Runtime error Check that the input tensor shape matches the shape defined in the ONNX model. Make sure the data type is correct.
Segmentation fault Check that the input tensor data is allocated correctly. Make sure the allocator is created correctly.


Transferring a torch model to ONNX and running inference with dynamic input sizes can be a bit of a challenge, but with the right steps and troubleshooting techniques, you can overcome these hurdles and unlock the power of ONNX Runtime SDK. Remember to prepare your torch model correctly, export it to ONNX with dynamic axes, load the ONNX model with the C++ ONNX Runtime SDK, create input tensors with dynamic shapes, and run inference with the ONNX model.

By following these steps and troubleshooting common issues, you'll be able to successfully deploy your torch model with dynamic input sizes using the C++ ONNX Runtime SDK. Happy deploying!

Frequently Asked Question

Got stuck while transferring a torch model to ONNX with dynamic input size and inferring it using C++ ONNXRuntime SDK? Don't worry, we've got you covered!

Why does the ONNX model fail to infer with dynamic input size using C++ ONNXRuntime SDK?

When converting a PyTorch model to ONNX, you need to specify the input shape using the `torch.onnx.export()` function's `input_names` and `input_shapes` arguments. Make sure you've set the input shape to `dynamic` using `(-1, -1, -1, -1)` or similar, depending on your model's requirements. This tells ONNX that the input shape can vary during inference.

How do I modify the ONNX model to accept dynamic input size?

You can modify the ONNX model using the ONNX API or tools like Netron. Update the `shape` attribute of the input tensor to use a dynamic shape, such as `(-1, -1, -1, -1)`. This change will allow the model to accept input tensors with varying shapes during inference.

What changes are required in the C++ ONNXRuntime SDK to support dynamic input size?

When using the C++ ONNXRuntime SDK, you need to create an `InferenceSession` with the ` OrtSessionOptions` set to allow dynamic input shapes. Then, create a new ` OrtAllocator` and an ` OrtMemoryInfo` to manage the dynamic input tensor's memory. Finally, pass the dynamic input tensor to the ` OrtRun` function along with the input names and shapes.

How can I debug the ONNX model inference issues with dynamic input size?

Enable verbose logging in the C++ ONNXRuntime SDK by setting the ` OrtLogLevel` to `ORT_LOG_LEVEL_INFO` or `ORT_LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE`. This will help you identify the specific issue causing the inference failure. Additionally, you can use tools like Netron to visualize and inspect the ONNX model's graph and input/output shapes.

Are there any performance considerations when using dynamic input size with ONNX and C++ ONNXRuntime SDK?

Yes, using dynamic input size can impact performance, as the ONNXRuntime SDK needs to allocate memory and re-configure the inference engine for each input shape. To mitigate this, consider using a fixed input shape whenever possible or optimizing the model architecture to reduce the impact of dynamic shape changes.

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